In patients with non-flow-limiting vulnerable coronary plaques, preventive percutaneous coronary intervention reduced major adverse cardiac events arising from high-risk vulnerable plaques, compared with optimal medical therapy alone.
Acute coronary syndrome and sudden cardiac death are often caused by the rupture of non-flow limiting lipid rich plaques (LRP). The PREVENT study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of preventative PCIs plus optimal medical therapy (OMT) vs. OMT alone in the reduction of coronary events. A total of 1,606 patients were randomized into two groups (percutaneous coronary intervention or optimal medical therapy alone) at 15 centers and followed for 2 years. View Article
The primary outcome was a combination of:
– Mamas A. Mamas, BMBCh, DPhil (Keele University, Stoke-on-Trent, England)
Primary outcome assessment was completed in 1,606 (97%) patients of which 780 underwent a percutaneous coronary intervention and 776 had optimal medical therapy.
The effect of preventive percutaneous coronary intervention was directionally consistent for other components of the primary composite outcome but not statistically significant.
Cardiac Deaths
– J. Dawn Abbott, MD Director, Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories
3 out of the 4 criteria used to define VP can be measured with The Makoto® Imaging System
In patients with non-flow-limiting vulnerable coronary plaques, preventive percutaneous coronary intervention reduced major adverse cardiac events arising from high-risk vulnerable plaques, compared with optimal medical therapy alone.
1. Park SJ et al. Preventative Percutaneous Coronary Intervention versus Optimal Medical Therapy Alone for the Treatment of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Coronary Plaques (PREVENT): a Multicentre, Open-label, Randomized Controlled Trial;
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